So you’ve got some friends, a nice pad and some pretty decent kitchen skills? That’s great, but hosting an epic dinner party requires a little more than that.
To throw a dinner party that people will really enjoy requires more than inviting a few friends over and putting some food on your table. It requires the strategy of a military campaign, the foresight of a seer, and the social etiquette of a Debrett’s doyenne.
That doesn’t mean, however, that you have to be a male Martha Stewart. This is about being flexible, organised, and most of all, relaxed. Invite guests, throw a few easy dishes together, set the scene, remain your normal, urbane self, and follow the tips below, and you’ll be ready to go.

Invite Selectively
Let’s face facts: not all of your friends are amazing, and some people in your circle should just never, ever meet. Not everyone needs to know each other beforehand, but if you’re mixing strangers, try to make sure they have something in common. For the sake of entertainment, you can invite one or two outlandish, funny types, but avoid anyone who’ll make a dramatic scene or bore everyone with their unpopular political opinions.
Scout for Food Issues
Unfortunately, even the best people are susceptible to food allergies, and the last thing you want is someone blowing up like a balloon or going into an anaphylactic fit because they (and their shellfish allergy) came within five feet of a shrimp. Be a good host and check beforehand whether any of your guests have allergies (or dietary requirements) you should be aware of.

Stick to Tried-and-Tested Recipes
This is not the time to turn your guests into guinea pigs, so don’t try and get all experimental with your food. Plan your menu using dishes that you’ve made before – having the confidence that they’ll turn out well is half the battle. If you absolutely must serve new dishes, try to make it once or twice before your dinner party so by the time the big night rolls around, it’s perfect.
Cook Strategically
You don’t want to spend the whole dinner party stirring the pot (at least, maybe not just in the kitchen). Cook smart so that you have plenty of time to socialise with your guests. That means having hors d’oeuvre set out before people arrive, choosing a dessert that can be prepped a few days ahead and stored in the fridge, and having a slow-cooking main that stays in the pot (or oven) until you’re ready to serve.
Take Shortcuts
There are times when putting in the hard yards pays off – this is not one of those times. You’re a busy man, and a couple of good hacks will let you throw a good dinner party with minimal effort. So choose easy hors d

Check Your Inventory
You’ll want to make sure you have everything you need for your dinner party present and accounted for well ahead of time. Check to see that you have enough wine glasses, serving plates and cutlery for everyone, and avoid the need for a last-minute run to the grocery store by ensuring you have all the necessary ingredients for your dishes a
Be Flexible
People can be flaky when it comes to social plans, so be prepared for

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Set the Mood
You want people to feel comfortable and relaxed as soon as they step into your place, so make sure you create the right ambience. Turn down the overhead lights and use lamps and candles instead – it creates a cosy atmosphere and airbrushes all the guests – a win-win in our books. Make a good playlist of easy-listening tunes for background noise – just don’t play it so loud that people can’t talk. If that’s beyond you (no judgement), just pick an appropriate Spotify playlist.

Stay Relaxed
If you look panicked and stressed, your guests are not going to enjoy themselves. So take a deep breath and just relax. The party will be fine, and no one’s going to be bothered by a slightly charred casserole or the fact that a bottle of wine is corked. Just laugh it off.
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