As we slip into the festive season, we offer some sound advice on how to prevent and, if need be, cure a post-revelry hangover.
Ah, the hangover—every man’s post-party nemesis. You might have danced like no one was watching, belted out tunes like your favourite rock star, and consumed enough beverages to make cheers a lifestyle choice. But come morning, you’re left questioning all those life decisions.
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While we can’t turn back time (or erase the memory of that embarrassing karaoke performance), we can help you tackle the aftermath with these five sure-fire five solutions.
What Causes a Hangover?
Before we dive into cures, let’s dissect the monster lurking in your skull, because knowing your enemy is half the battle.
Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you pee like a racehorse (everyone remembers breaking the seal for the first time of the night). This results in the body losing more fluid than it can replace, leading to dehydration—a major hangover contributor.
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Toxins: When your body metabolises alcohol, it converts it into acetaldehyde, a toxic compound that’s basically alcohol’s evil twin. The higher your alcohol intake, the more acetaldehyde you produce, and you can bet your ass that it comes easier than it leaves.
Inflammation: Drinking activates your immune system, and guess what? Your body treats alcohol as a threat. This results in inflammation and can lead to headaches, nausea, and a delightful array of other hangover symptoms.
Sleep Disruption: Alcohol may initially knock you out, but it actually messes with your sleep cycle, robbing you of that precious REM sleep you need for recovery. It’s like getting kicked off the rest train before it even starts.
Congeners: These are by-products of fermentation that are present in dark liquors (think whiskey and red wine) but not so much in clear spirits (like vodka or gin). More congeners generally equal more severe hangovers meaning you can mitigate their presence through drink choice.
Cures for Over Indulgence
Now that you’re well-versed in the science behind your throbbing headache, let’s tackle the cures—while trying to leave a little bit of humour on hand, of course!
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Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
It may sound cliché, but water is your best friend. Rehydrate your body like a floral arrangement on a hot summer day. Try gulping down coconut water; it’s loaded with electrolytes, and you’ll feel like you’re bathing in a magical potion. If coconut water isn’t your style, sports drinks can help too, and having them bedside and ready is the smart move.
“Optimise your electrolytes, magnesium, potassium, and sodium to help address the dehydration,” advises Hong Kong-based functional medicine specialist and nutritional therapist Miles Price. “And during the drinking sessions, be sure to drink one glass of water between each alcoholic drink.” He also suggests you take a vitamin B-complex to help process alcohol faster.
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A Greasy Breakfast
Embrace the traditional hangover cure: the greasy breakfast. We’re talking about the full English breakfast—eggs, bacon, beans, and those glorious fried tomatoes. The rich fats and proteins can help stabilise your blood sugar, and when you’re feeling battered, what’s better than a plate full of comfort? Bonus points if you inhale it with a side of hot sauce for an extra kick!
“Combining complex carbs with some protein will help stabilise blood sugars”, says Price, “and of course hydrate!!”
The Science of Supplements
If you’re feeling a little scientific, consider mixing in some supplements. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that can help break down acetaldehyde, flushing those toxins out of your system. Vitamins B and C are your cheerleaders for recovery as well; they help combat fatigue and boost your immune system. Want to sound like a hangover guru? Just tell yourself you’re promoting liver health!
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Price also suggests NAC and milk thistle to help the liver process alcohol more quickly.” He also says DHM can stabilise GABAergic activity and prevent the excessive dopamine release that’s typically triggered by alcohol, which may reduce the rewarding effects of alcohol and mood swings, but also ward off potential alcohol dependence.
Restorative Herbal Teas
When it comes to the restorative power of teas, don’t underestimate time-honoured teas like ginger and peppermint, which love to rock the hangover arena. Ginger tea can reduce nausea as it’s known to ease an upset stomach. Meanwhile, peppermint tea can relieve headaches and settle your digestive tract. Sip slowly and envision yourself on a cosy beach instead of nursing a hangover—it works wonders for the psyche!
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Time, the Ultimate Healer
Sometimes, the best cure is simply giving it time. Remember, you’re not a robot; your body needs some time to bounce back, so it’s best not to schedule that important job interview for the morning after. Take a nap, binge-watch a series that you’ve been neglecting, and ease into the day. Most importantly, cut yourself some slack—yesterday’s exploits may have been a tad reckless, but today’s agenda is all about restorative self-care.
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