Manage pronouns and avoid triggers with these simple hints on how to survive a conversation with the woke.
In a world where your friend’s cousin’s dog has an opinion on social justice, navigating a conversation with someone deeply entrenched in the “woke” culture can feel like walking through a minefield of trigger words and nuanced opinions. However, a few simple steps will allow you to surf through those sensitive waters without making a splash—or a faux pas.
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Dress the Part: Loose Garments, Loose Opinions
Before entering the social arena, ensure your wardrobe reflects a casual yet conscious vibe. Think organic cotton t-shirts with slogans like “Be Kind” or “Recycle a Little Mr. Potato Head.” This attire not only shows your in-tuned style but also gently signals to your new friend that you’re open-minded. Bonus points if you can work in some thrift store finds (anything but novelty trucker caps)!
The Art of Active Listening: Nods, Not Nods
When engaged in conversation, remember: the loudest agreement is a silent nod. Channel your inner bobblehead—this demonstrates that you’re absorbing their keen social insights. Avoid the urge to jump in with your own thoughts; this isn’t a tennis match, and your goal is to volley words gently, not smash them away. If they mention “intersectionality,” nod knowingly like you’ve just unlocked the mysteries of the universe. (Pro tip: Google it later.)
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Mastering the Lingo: Speak “Woke” Fluently
To carry a meaningful conversation, familiarise yourself with the lingo. Words like “privilege,” “allyship,” and “capitalism” are now the currency of woke exchanges. Sprinkle them into your dialogue strategically, but don’t overdo it—this isn’t a game of social bingo. Show that you can hold your own while keeping an ear out for their cues. Use phrases like “I see where you’re coming from” to solidify your status as a fellow traveller on the journey of societal enlightenment.
Easy Does It: Choose Your Battles Wisely
While it can be tempting to share your easygoing views on certain hot-button topics, tread lightly. Avoid diving head-first into polarising discussions, like the ethics of pineapple on pizza when they’re passionately discussing police reform or state-sponsored sex reallocation for domestic pets. Instead, pivot to safer subjects that unite us all, like appreciating the “overlooked genius” of avocado toast or the new “epic” vegan burger joint in town.
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Show Your Inner Ally: Acknowledge & Elevate
Everyone wants to feel heard and recognised. If the conversation takes a turn into social justice issues, lean into your role as an ally. Acknowledge their experiences, perhaps share a relevant anecdote, and elevate their message without running the risk of being accused of “Bropriation”. Use phrases like, “I appreciate your perspective on this,” while subtly steering the dialogue towards solutions or actions you can take together. Do not try to illustrate gaping holes in their argument, seismic rifts in their logic, or flaws in the fabric of their conscious fiction – you’ll be socially branded in the time it takes you to ask, “Is this hummus organic certified?”.
Know When to Exit Gracefully: The Woke Wave
Sometimes, a topic can become too heated—and suddenly, you’re on a surfboard of social strife, riding the woke wave. If the vibe shifts from enlightening conversation to combative debate, it’s time for a friendly exit. Use transitions like, “I really appreciate this conversation; I’d love to continue it over coffee,” and suggest a neutral locale known for its ethically sourced beans. This lets you float away on good terms, leaving the door open for future dialogue.
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Embrace the Humor: Find Common Ground
Finally, never underestimate the power of laughter. Use humour to bridge divides. A well-placed joke about the absurdity of certain societal norms—think along the lines of “Only in 2023 could we have arguments over what constitutes a sandwich”—can lighten the mood. Just ensure it’s lighthearted and non-offensive (or polarising), making it a shared chuckle rather than an accidental trigger.
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